Title: Chaotic dynamics in deterministic dynamical systems (25 pages)
Author(s): Andrew D. Lewis
Detail: Preprint for a handbook of nonlinear dynamics

Original manuscript: 2024/06/13

A survey is given of the r\^ole of chaotic dynamics in the field of nonlinear dynamics. Various phenomenon connected with chaotic dynamics are investigated,~\eg~sensitivity to initial conditions, density of periodic orbits, transitivity/irreducibility of dynamics. The emphasis is on illustrating these phenomenon via representative examples. Means of detecting chaotic dynamics in dynamical systems are also discussed, including the use of Lyapunov exponents, topological entropy, and ergodic theory. In closing, a few broad areas where the current understanding of chaotic dynamics could be improved are discussed.

4060K pdf
Last Updated: Thu Jun 13 10:09:19 2024

Andrew D. Lewis (andrew at mast.queensu.ca)