Title: Small-time local controllability of homogeneous systems (18 pages)
Author(s): César O. Aguilar and Andrew D. Lewis
Detail: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 50(3), pages 1502-1517, 2012
Journal version: Download

Original manuscript: 2011/02/17

In this paper we consider the local controllability problem for control systems that are homogeneous with respect to a one-paramater family of dilations. We construct and derive properties of a simple variational cone that completely characterizes local controllability for homogeneous systems. In the process, we are able to give a bound on the order, in terms of the integers describing the dilation, of perturbations that do not alter the local controllability property. Our approach uses elementary Taylor expansions and avoids unnecessarily complicated open mapping theorems to prove local controllability. Examples are given that illustrate the main results.

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Last Updated: Fri Mar 15 07:58:58 2024

Andrew D. Lewis (andrew at mast.queensu.ca)