MATH - MTHE 474/874 - Information Theory
Fall 2024
Fady Alajaji
Office: Jeffery Hall, Room 402
Telephone: 533-2423
Course Website: OnQ
F. Alajaji and P.-N. Chen,
An Introduction to Single-User Information Theory,
Springer, 2018.
T. M. Cover and J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, Second Edition, John Wiley, 2006.
R. Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communication,
John Wiley, 1968.
R. Blahut, Principles and Practice of Information Theory,
Addison Wesley, 1987.
R. Yeung, Information Theory and Network Coding,
Springer, 2008.
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The reliable compression, processing and transmission of information bearing signals over a noisy
communication channel is at the heart of what we call communication.
Information theory -- founded by
Claude E. Shannon in 1948 --
provides a mathematical framework for the theory
of communication; it describes the fundamental
limits to how efficiently one can encode
information and still be able to recover it with negligible loss.
This course will examine the basic concepts of this theory.
What follows is a list of topics to be covered.
- Shannon's Measures of Information: entropy, divergence,
cross-entropy, mutual information; properties of information measures;
generalized information measures (Rényi entropy and divergence,
Jensen-Shannon divergence);
the data processing theorem; Fano's inequality.
- Fundamentals of Fixed-Length Lossless Source Coding
(Data Compression):
discrete memoryless sources,
asymptotic equipartition property (AEP),
block or fixed-length coding,
fixed-length source coding theorem for discrete memoryless sources;
entropy rate of stationary sources with memory, Markov sources,
stationary ergodic sources, fixed-length source coding theorem for
stationary ergodic sources; source modeling and redundancy.
- Fundamentals of Variable-Length Lossless Source Coding:
variable-length encoding, unique decodability, Kraft inequality,
prefix codes, variable-length source coding theorem
for discrete memoryless sources and for stationary sources
with memory; Shannon-Fano code; design and construction of optimal variable-length
codes: Huffman codes.
- Fundamentals of Channel Coding:
discrete memoryless channels,
channel capacity and properties; noisy channel coding theorem
for discrete memoryless channels;
the lossless joint source-channel coding theorem and Shannon's separation principle.
- Information Theory for Continuous Alphabet Systems:
differential entropy, divergence and mutual information;
differential entropy of the
multivariate Gaussian distribution; AEP for continuous alphabet
memoryless sources, capacity
of discrete-time and band-limited continuous-time memoryless Gaussian channels;
parallel Gaussian channels and waterfilling.
- Rate-Distortion Theory:
(time permitting) lossy data compression;
discrete memoryless sources,
rate-distortion function and its properties; rate-distortion theorem;
the lossy joint source-channel coding theorem and the Shannon limit of communication systems.
Interesting Links
Claude E. Shannon
IEEE Information Theory Society
Canadian Society of Information Theory (CSIT)
How We Know by Freeman Dyson,
published in The New York Review of Books, March 10, 2011