Academic Biography
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Academic Biography:
Dr. Pfaff is a member at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey and assistant professor of mathematics at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. She graduated from the the University of Chicago with an honors mathematics degree and earned her PhD from Rutgers University - New Brunswick in geometric group theory under the advisement of Lee Mosher, and with a Henry C. Torrey Graduate Fellowship. Before holding her current position, she was one of two Laboratoire d'Excellence Postdoctoral Research Fellows in mathematics and computer science at l'Universite d'Aix-Marseille, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Universitat Bielefeld, and the Ky Fan Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of California Santa Barbara. She has been a visitor at the Fields Institute, Centre de Recerca Maematica, Bard College at Simon's Rock, and the Mathematical Siences Research Institute. Since arriving at Queen's she has been awarded an NSERC Discovery Grant and Early Career Launch Supplement, been co-awarded an eCampus Ontario Virtual Learning Strategy Grant, was a colleague in the CANSSI Collaborative Research Team Project: Sports Analytics, was co-awarded a Fields Institute Conference Grant, and was nominated for the W.J. Barnes Teaching Award. She is a proud supervisor of many students, and co-host of the Friends of Tracking educational soccer analytics youtube channel.