Research Program on The Geometry of Outer Space:
Investigated through its analogy with Teichmueller space

July 1, 2013 - July 21, 2013
Aix Marseille Universite

Participant List

Nicolas Bedaride (Marseille), 1/7-21/7
Mladen Bestvina (Utah), 5/7-20/7
Alexander Bufetov (Marseille, Rice), 24/6-2/7
Chris Cashen (Wien), 4/7-13/7
Matt Clay (Arkansas), 23/6-2/7
Thierry Coulbois (Marseille), 24/6-21/7
Marc Culler (UIC), 7/7-13/7
Spencer Dowdall (UIUC), 15/7-21/7
Ivan Dynnikov (Moscow), 5/7-9/7
Jordan Emme (Marseille)
Mark Feighn (Rutgers-Newark), 5/7-20/7
Albert Meads Fisher (University of São Paulo)
Stefano Francaviglia (Bologna), 1/7-21/7
François Gautero (Nice)
Julien Grivaux (Marseille)
Subhojoy Gupta (Caltech, Aarhus), 7/7-13/7
Arnaud Hilion (Marseille), 29/6-21/7
Camille Horbez (Rennes), 23/6-21/7
John Hubbard (Cornell, Marseille), 24/6-21/7
Pascal Hubert (Marseille), 27/6-21/7
Ilya Kapovich (UIUC), 24/6-15/7
Chris Leininger (UIUC), 5/7-17/7
Erwan Lanneau (Grenoble)
Ania Lenzhen (Rennes), 8/7-19/7
Gilbert Levitt (Caen), 8/7-12/7
Jerome Los (Marseille), 1/7-14/7
Martin Lustig (Marseille), 27/6-20/7
Brian Mann (Utah), 1/7-21/7
Howard Masur (University of Chicago), 8/7-13/7
Yair Minsky (Yale), 9/7-11/7
Lee Mosher (Rutgers-Newark), 4/7-9/7
Duc-Manh Nguyen (Bordeaux 1)
Frederic Palesi (Marseille), 30/6-15/7
Catherine Pfaff (Marseille), 24/6-21/7
Kasra Rafi (Toronto), 9/7-19/7
Moritz Rodenhausen (UBonn), 4/7-20/7
Saul Schleimer (Wawrick), 28/6-30/6, 5/7-13/7
Hamish Short (Marseille), 5/7-20/7
Jing Tao (Oklahoma), 7/7-21/7
Serge Troubetzkoy (Marseille), 24/6-21/7
Karen Vogtmann (Cornell), 6/7-13/7
Ric Wade (Utah), 24/6-21/7
Kaidi Ye (Marseille), 24/6-21/7

This program is funded by: NSF Grant DMS - 1331129, Labex Archimède Research in Residence Grant, Aix-Marseille University, ANR LAM

This program is organized by: Thierry Coulbois, Arnaud Hilion, and Catherine Pfaff