Teaching, Mentoring, Advising

Research | Teaching | Talks | Outreach

Congrats to PhD student Paige Hillen, starting as a University of Wisconsin - Madison RTG postdoc Fall 2025!

Thank you for nominating me for the W.J. Barnes Teaching Award in 2020!

Friends of Tracking (Educational Soccer Analytics Youtube Channel Co-Hosted)

Higher Mathematics Language and Skills Bootcamp

Illuminating Mathematics via Sweet Potatoes and Sports: Riemann Sums

Illuminating Mathematics via Sweet Potatoes and Sports: Voronoi Diagrams & Delaunay Triangulations

Mentoring and Advising:

PhD student (2024-Present): Paige Hillen (co-supervised with Darren Long, UCSB)

Masters student (2022-2024): Sana Arastehfar (co-supervised with Christian Muise)

Masters student (2019-2020): Troy Zeier (co-supervised with Mikhail Nediak)

USRA Summer Research Student (Summer 2020): Damara Gagnier

Women in Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics co-mentor with Rylee Lyman

Supervisor for Queen's Sports Analytics Research Group

Complete course evaluations for Queen's Math 126b Winter 2022 (a postdoc assigned the homework).
Complete course evaluations for UCSB Math 8 Fall 2017 (1.0 is best score possible, 1st time for online evals, I didn't use powerpoint, so at least 1 student submitted incorrect eval).
Complete course evaluations for UCSB Math 108B (Advanced Linear Algebra II) Fall 2017 (1.0 is best score possible).
Complete course evaluations for UCSB Math 8 Spring 2017 (1.0 is best score possible).
20/90 course evaluations forUCSB Off-Sequence Calculus II Spring 2017 (1.0 is best score possible, document camera referred to was because the room had no blackboards or whiteboards).
Complete course evaluations forUCSB Math 8 Winter 2017 (1.0 is best score possible).

By popular request: Cookies Recipe

Directed Reading Program:

I am proud to have founded the Rutgers Directed Reading Program in Mathematics. Some of my mentees include Chris Skalit (who went on to earn his PhD from the University of Chicago and is now a postdoc at UIC), Charles Siegel (who went on to earn his PhD in algebraic geometry at UPenn and is now a postdoc at University of Tokyo), Aaron Samkoff, and Jordan Ledvina. I am also a faculty advisor for the Queen's Directed Reading Program in Mathematics.

Courses Taught:

Undergraduate topology reading, Queen's
Graduate topology reading, Queen's
Calculus I for Social Sciences and Economics, Queen's
Calculus II for Social Sciences and Economics, Queen's
Calculus II for Life Sciences, Queen's
Differential Geometry, Queen's
Introduction to Topology, Queen's
Rings and Fields, Queen's
Advanced Perspectives on Elementary Geometry, Queen's
Advanced Linear Algebra I and II, UCSB
Transition to Higher Mathematics, UCSB
Methods of Analysis, UCSB
Calculus II for Social and Life Sciences, UCSB
Calculus II, UCSB
Calculus I, UCSB
Graph Theory I and II, Bielefeld
Geometric Group Theory, Bard College at Simon's Rock
Calculus, Bard College at Simon's Rock
Elementary Functions (Precalculus), Bard College at Simon's Rock
Differential Equations for Engineers, Rutgers
Calculus I, Rutgers University
Multivariable Calculus (Calculus III), Rutgers University

Courses Teaching Assistant For:

Calculus II for Biological Sciences, Rutgers
Calculus I for Math, Physical Sciences, & Engineering, Rutgers
Calculus II for Math, Physical Sciences, & Engineering, Rutgers
Precalculus, Rutgers
Calculus I for Economics and Biological Sciences, Rutgers
University of Chicago Calculus Junior Tutor
