Ram Murty - Philosophy papers
- Vivekananda and the art of memory,
Prabuddha Bharata, 100 (1995), 837-844.
- Lessons of history, Prabuddha Bharata 107 (2002), 215-220.
- Book: Indian Philosophy: An introduction, Broadview Press, 2012.
- Is science a religion, The Philosopher's Cafe, 2 (2009), 10-15.
- The meeting of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda, Vedanta Kesari, 98 (2011), pp. 310-313, 349-351, 391-395.
- Buddha, Shankara and Vivekananda, Vivekananda
Review, 1 (2013), December issue, 7-12.
- Reason and religion, Vivekananda Review, 1 (2013), February issue, 8-10.
- Hinduism and Vedanta, Vivekanada Review, 1 (2013), April issue, 7-11.
- What is civilization? Vivekananda Review,
2 (2014), February issue, 8-13.
- The Gnostic Gospels and Vedanta, Vivekananda
Review, 2 (2014), June issue, 35-41.
- The Gita and Sen's Idea of Justice,
Vivekananda Review, 2 (2014), December issue, 82-88.
- Mahatma Gandhi's commentary on the Gita,
Vivekananda Review, 3 (2015), February issue, 3-7.
- Review of "Indian Philosophy
in English: From Renaissance to Independence", Essays in Philosophy, 15 (2014), 184-191.
- Creativity and Meditation, American VedantistSeptember (2020), 1-9.
- Ahimsa, Jainism and the Covid Pandemic, Part 1 Samvit, September 2023, 43-49.
- Ahimsa, Jainism and the Covid Pandemic, Part 2 Samvit, March 2024, 43-49.
Philosophy talks
- Vivekananda and the art of memory,
June 26, 1994, Vedanta Society of Toronto.
- Lessons of history, February 1999,
Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, Boston.
- Mental disciplines, February 27, 2000,
Vedanta Societies of Boston and Providence.
- The meaning of Raman, April 9, 2000,
Vedanta Societies of Boston and Providence.
- The religion of science, Fall 2000, Vedanta
Society of Boston.
- The wit and wisdom of Vivekananda, January 12, 2003,
Vedanta Society of Toronto.
- The meaning of yoga, February 26, 2014, Philosophy
Colloquium, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario.
- The poetry of spiritual life,
April 25, 2004, Vedanta Societies of Boston and Providence.
- The supreme secret,March 20, 2005, Vedanta
Societies of Boston and Providence.
- The world within the mind,, May 29, 2005,
Vedanta Societies of Boston and Providence.
- How the mind works, February 5, 2006,
Vedanta Societies of Boston and Providence.