Core Algebra I (Policies)

category theory
Henry Smith
binary operation
The course grades will be computed as follows:
  • 40% Homework
  • 30% Oral exam
  • 30% Written exam
Weekly problem sets consist of approximately 3 questions and are posted in Portable Document Format (PDF) on the course website. Solutions will be collected using Crowdmark software. The best 10 of 12 problem sets will determine your homework grade.
A short oral exam, likely conducted using some video chat software, will be scheduled with each student. A longer and more comprehensive written exam will assigned at the end of the course; it will be distributed and collected like a homework assignement.
Written Work
We write to communicate. Please bear this in mind as you complete homework, projects, and exams. Work must be neat and legible to receive consideration. You must explain your work in order to obtain full credit; an assertion is not an answer.
Academic Integrity
Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with all of the regulations concerning academic integrity and for ensuring that their assignments and their behaviour conform to the principles of academic integrity. Students are welcome to discuss problems, but should write up the solutions individually. Students must explicitly acknowledge any assistance including books, software, technology, websites, students, friends, professors, references, etc.
The instructor is committed to achieving full accessibility for people with disabilities. Part of this commitment includes arranging academic accommodations for students with disabilities to ensure they have an equitable opportunity to participate in all of their academic activities. If you are a student with a disability and think you may need academic accommodations, then you are strongly encouraged to contact both the instructor and the Queenʼs Student Accessibility Services (QSAS) as early as possible.
Materials generated by the instructor of this course may not be used commercially. Others may remixed, adapted, and build upon, as long as they credit me and license their new creation under the idential terms.