Core Algebra I (Schedule)

category theory
Emmy Noether
modules over a PID
Date Topic Read Due
2024.09.04 Groups and permutations
2024.09.06 Subgroups and automorphisms notes01 problems01
2024.09.09 Homomorphisms and actions
2024.09.11 Cosets and quotients notes02 problems02
2024.09.16 Isomorphisms, orbits, and stabilizers
2024.09.18 Sylow theorems notes03 problems03
2024.09.23 Idiosyncratic break
2024.09.25 Idiosyncratic break
2024.09.30 Truth and Reconciliation
2024.10.01 Small groups and simple groups
2024.10.02 Free groups, generators, and relations notes04 problems04
2024.10.07 Rings and fields
2024.10.09 Isomorphisms and maximal ideals notes05 problems05
2024.10.14 Fall break
2024.10.16 Fall break
2024.10.21 Fractions and polynomials
2024.10.23 Roots and Euclidean domains notes06 problems06
2024.10.28 GCDs and UFDs
2024.10.30 Noetherian rings and factoring notes07 problems07
2024.11.04 Irreducibility
2024.11.06 Modules notes08 problems08
2024.11.11 Products and sums
2024.11.13 Free modules and vector spaces notes09 problems09
2024.11.18 Submodules and matrices
2024.11.20 Modules over PIDs notes10 problems10
2024.11.25 Structure theorems
2024.11.27 Categories notes11 problems11
2024.12.02 Functors
2024.12.04 Universal properties notes12 problems12
2024.12.06 In-class exam (319 Jeffery)
2024.12.20 Take-home exam exam