Publications Archive
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Journal Papers
- A. Gronowski, W. Paul, F. Alajaji, B. Gharesifard and P. Burlina,
Classification Utility, Fairness, and Compactness via Tunable Information Bottleneck and Rényi Measures,
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 19, pp. 1630-1645, 2024.
J.-J. Weng, F. Alajaji and T. Linder,
Two-Way Source-Channel Coding,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
Vol. 67, No. 10, pp. 6507-6524, October 2021.
H. Bhatia, W. Paul, F. Alajaji, B. Gharesifard and P. Burlina,
Least kth-Order and Rényi Generative Adversarial Networks,
Neural Computation, MIT Press, Vol. 33, No. 9, pp. 2473-2510, September 2021.
J. Yang, F. Alajaji and G. Takahara,
On Bounding the Union Probability Using Partial Weighted Information,
Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol. 116, pp. 38-44,
doi:10.1016/j.spl.2016.04.017, September 2016.
Conference Papers
F. C. Thierrin, F. Alajaji and T. Linder,
On the Rényi Cross-Entropy,
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Canadian Workshop on Information Theory,
Ottawa, June 2022.
S. Asoodeh, M. Diaz, F. Alajaji and T. Linder,
Privacy- Aware Guessing Efficiency,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory,
Aachen, Germany, June 2017.
S. Asoodeh, F. Alajaji and T. Linder,
Privacy-Aware MMSE Estimation,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory,
Barcelona, July 2016.
S. Asoodeh, F. Alajaji and T. Linder,
Notes on Information-Theoretic Privacy,
Proceedings of the Fifty-Second Annual Allerton Conference
Communication, Control and Computing,
Monticello, IL, September-October 2014.
N. Sen, F. Alajaji and S. Yüksel,
When Does Feedback Not Increase Capacity for Channels with Memory ?
Proceedings of the IEEE 18th Signal Processing
and Communications Applications Conference (SIU),
Diyarbakir, Turkey, April 2010.
A. Manada and N. Kashyap,
On the Shannon Covers of Certain Irreducible Constrained
Systems of Finite Type,
2006 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory,
Seattle, July 2006.
D. Nagy, A. György, and T. Linder,
Convergence Rates in Higher Order Markov Modeling of Block-Markov Sources,
Ninth Canadian Workshop on Information Theory,
Montreal, June 2005.
D. Nagy and T. Linder,
Higher Order Markov Modeling of Block-Markov Sources,
22nd Biennial Symposium on Communications,
Queen's University, Kingston, June 2004.
D. Rolls,
Improved Fast Approximate Synthesis of Fractional Gaussian Noise,
International Conference on Statistics and Related Fields,
Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2002.
D. Rolls and G. Takahara,
Random Superposition of On-Off Processes with Heavy-Tailed
Inter-Renewal Times,
International Conference on Statistics and Related Fields,
Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2002.
D. Rolls and G. Takahara,
Random Aggregate of On-Off Processes with Heavy-Tailed
Inter-Renewal Times, 11th INFORMS Applied Probability
Society Conference, New York, July 2001.
G. Takahara, C. Leith and Z. Mansourati,
Exact, Approximate, and Recursive Blocking in All-Optical Networks,
Global Telecommunications Conference - GLOBECOM'99,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 1999.
A. György, T. Linder and K. Zeger,
On the Rate-Distortion Function of Random Vectors
and Stationary Sources with Mixed
The 1999 Canadian Workshop on Information Theory,
Kingston, Ontario, June 1999.
A. György, T. Linder and K. Zeger,
Lossy Coding of Sources with Mixed Distribution,
The Conference on Information Sciences and Systems,
John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 1999.
C. Leith, G. Takahara and Z. Mansourati,
Recursive Blocking for All-Optical Networks Based on Near Exact Blocking in a
3-Hop Path,
The Conference on Information Sciences and Systems,
John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 1999.
N. C. Beaulieu, Y. Huang and L. L. Campbell,
Bias of Symbol Timing Estimators,
The 19th Biennial Symposium on Communications,
Kingston, Ontario, June 1998.
Technical Reports
G. Takahara, F. Alajaji, N. C. Beaulieu and H. Kuai,
Mappings for Signaling of Non-Uniform Sources
in Two-Dimensional Fixed Constellations,
Mathematics and Engineering Technical Report,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Queen's University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, February 2001.
Doctoral Dissertations
Somya Singh,
Reinforcement and Preferential Attachment Models via Polya Urnsa.
Ph.D. Dissertation, August 2023.
Jian-Jia Weng,
Information Transmission Over Two-Way Networks.
Ph.D. Dissertation, December 2020.
Shahab Asoodeh,
Information and Estimation Theoretic Approaches to Data Privacy.
Ph.D. Dissertation, May 2017.
Ahmad Abou Saleh,
Source-Channel Coding Techniques in the Presence of Interference and Noise.
Ph.D. Dissertation, September 2015.
Youness Aliyari Ghassabeh,
On the Convergence and Applications of Mean Shift Type Algorithms.
Ph.D. Dissertation, September 2013.
Nevroz Sen,
Channel Capacity in the Presence of Feedback and Side Information.
Ph.D. Dissertation, July 2013.
Saeed Akhavan Astaneh,
Management and Sensing of Spectrum in Cognitive Radio.
Ph.D. Dissertation, June 2013.
Yangfan Zhong,
Joint Source-Channel Coding Reliability Function
for Single and Multi-Terminal Communication Systems.
Ph.D. Dissertation, May 2008.
Yadong Wang,
Hybrid Digital-Analog Source-Channel Coding and Information
Hiding: Information-Theoretic Perspectives.
Ph.D. Dissertation, September 2007.
Daniel Nagy,
Lossless Compression and Alphabet Size.
Ph.D. Dissertation, January 2006.
Chris Leith,
Ant Algorithms and Generalized Finite Urns.
Ph.D. Dissertation, June 2005.
Libo Zhong,
A Binary Burst-Noise Communication Channel
Modeled by a Finite Queue: Information Theoretic
Properties and Applications to Wireless Communications.
Ph.D. Dissertation, June 2005.
Firouz Behnamfar,
Single and Multiple Antenna Communication Systems:
Performance Analysis and Joint Source-Channel
Ph.D. Dissertation, September 2004.
Guang-Chong Zhu,
Joint Source-Channel Coding via Turbo Codes.
Ph.D. Dissertation, January 2003.
David Rolls,
Limit Theorems and Estimation for Structural and Aggregate
Teletraffic Models.
Ph.D. Dissertation, January 2003.
Ziad Rached,
Information Measures for Sources with Memory and their
Application to Hypothesis Testing and Source Coding.
Ph.D. Dissertation, August 2002.
Timothy Ramsey,
A Bivariate Finite Element Smoothing Spline Applied
to Image Registration.
Ph.D. Dissertation, January 2000. Abstract,
gzip'ed PostScript.
Master Theses
Luca Sardellitti,
Optimized Binary Constellation Design for Distributed Detection over Gaussian MAC Sensor Networks.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, September 2024.
Liam Cregg,
Optimal Zero-Delay Transmission of Markov Sources: Reinforcement Learning and Approximations.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, July 2024.
Justin Veiner,
Generative Adversarial Networks Based on a General Parameterized Family of Generator Loss Functions.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, September 2023.
Cole Thierrin,
Rényi Cross-Entropy: Properties and Closed-Form Expressions for Sources with and without Memory.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, January 2023.
Adam Gronowski,
Information Bottleneck Methods for Fairness and Privacy in Machine Learning.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, September 2022.
Himesh Bhatia,
Generalzied Loss Functions for Generative Adversarial Networks.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, October 2020.
Al Mahdi Moufid,
On Optimal Codes for Additive Noise Channels.
M.Sc. Thesis, September 2020.
Gregory Harrington,
Optimization Policies for Polya Contagion Networks.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, June 2020.
Sayed Saeed Rezazadeh,
Scalar Quantization Algorithms for the Robust Transmission of Correlated Sources
Over One- and Two-Way Channels.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, October 2019.
Kiraseya Preusser,
Channel Optimized Scalar Quantization over Orthogonal Multiple Access Channels with Memory.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, September 2017.
Mikhail Hayhoe,
A Polya Urn Stochastic Model for the Analysis and Control of Epidemics on Networks.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, August 2017.
Seyed Parsa Beheshti,
MAP Decoding of Correlated Sources over Soft-Decision
Orthogonal Multiple-Access Fading Channels with Memory.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, September 2014.
Steven Wu,
Lossless Coding of Markov Random Fields with Complex Cliques.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, August 2013.
Ghady Azar,
On the Optimality of the Hamming Metric for Decoding Block Codes
over Binary Additive Noise Channels.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, July 2013.
Shan Lu,
Measuring Dependence via Mutual Information.
M.Sc. Thesis, September 2011.
Shervin Shahidi,
Robust Lossy Source Coding for Correlated Fading Channels.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, September 2011.
Manuel Gil,
Rényi's Divergence Measures for Continuous Alphabet Sources.
M.Sc. Thesis, August 2011.
Ahmad Abou Saleh,
Source-Channel Mappings with Applications
to Compressed Sensing.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, July 2011.
Brendan Moore,
Pairwise Optimization of Modulation Constellations
for Non-Uniform Sources.
M.A.Sc. Thesis, September 2009.
Adam Cohen,
Linear Programming Decoding for Non-Uniform Sources
and for Binary Channels with Memory.
M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis, December 2008.
Hamidreza Ebrahimzadeh Saffar,
Channel Optimized Vector Quantization:
Iterative Design Algorithms.
M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis, August 2008.
Haider Al-Lawati,
Performance Analysis of Linear Block Codes Over
the Queue-Based Channel.
M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis, August 2007.
Saeed Moradi,
Multiple Description Coding: Proposed Methods
and Video Application.
M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis, August 2007.
Shant Sethian,
On the Construction of Non-Orthogonal Linear
Space-Time Block Codes.
M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis, October 2005.
Cynthia Thomas,
Soft-Decision COVQ for M-ary PAM Modulated AWGN
and Rayleigh Fading Channels.
M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis, September 2005.
Christopher Nicola,
Decoding of LDPC Codes Over Channels with
Binary Additive Markov Noise.
M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis, September 2005.
Zahir Raza,
Sample Adaptive Product Quantization for Memoryless
Noisy Channels.
M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis, November 2002.
András György,
On Optimal Entropy-Constrained Scalar Quantization.
M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis, December 2000.
- Christopher Leith,
Analytical Models For All-Optical Networks Employing
Wavelength Multiplexing and Wavelength Conversion.
M.Sc. Thesis, September 1999.
Hongyan Kuai,
Tight Bounds on the Probability of a Union with
Applications to Non-Uniform Signaling
over AWGN Channels.
M.Sc. Thesis, July 1999.
Joanna Meadows,
New Results on Incorporating Retrials into Large Loss Networks
Operating under Heavy Traffic.
M.Sc. Thesis, August 1998.
Nicholas Whalen,
The Capacity-Cost Function of Channels with Additive Markov Noise.
M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis, June 1998.
Ali Nazer,
Joint Source-Channel Coding and Unequal Error Protection of
CELP 1016 Encoded
Speech Over Very Noisy Channels.
M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis, December 1997.
Julian Cheng,
Channel Optimized Quantization of Images over
Binary Channels with Memory.
M.Sc. (Eng) Thesis, September 1997.
Richard A. Lodge,
A Multi-Priority Hybrid Protocol for Satellite
Switching Networks,. M.Sc. Thesis, August 1996.
Master Projects
Mohammad Yaali Jahromi,
An Information Theoretic Approach to the Information Bottleneck Problem.
M.Sc. Project, June 2020.
Jiayu Lin,
On the Dirichlet Distribution.
M.Sc. Project, September 2016.
Tyson Mitchell,
Optimal Binary Signaling for Correlated Sources over the Orthogonal
Gaussian Multiple-Access Channel.
M.Sc. Project, November 2014.
Jun Yang,
On Bounding the Probability of a Finite Union of Events
Using Partial Information.
M.Sc. Project, September 2014.
Ramiro Zurkowski,
Lyapunov Analysis for Rates of Convergence in Markov Chains and Random-Time
State-Dependent Drift.
M.Sc. Project, October 2013.
Benjamin Wallace,
On the Critical Points of Gaussian Mixtures.
M.Sc. Project, July 2013.
Shahab Asoodeh,
Feed-Forward Rate Distortion Function and Markov Sources,.
M.Sc. Project, December 2012.
Razan Al-Nakhli,
On Upper Bounding Discrete Entropy
M.Sc. Project, December 2011.
Nevroz Sen,
Feedback Capacity for a Discrete Non-Binary
Noise Channel with Memory.
M.Eng. Project, May 2009.
Xiaoyan Wu,
Syndrome Source Coding for Lossless Data Compression
Based on Linear Block Codes.
M.Sc. Project, September 2008.
Eric Hart,
Proving the Normality of the Distribution of Coverage in a
Grid Network when Nodes are Placed with Bounded Error.
M.Sc. Project, September 2008.
Scott Amiss,
Estimation of Long Range Dependence and the Nile River
M.Sc. (Eng) Project, May 2004.
Jay Shah,
Empirical Study of the Connection Between Quantizer Distortion
and Training Set Size.
M.Sc. (Eng) Project, January 2004.
Ka Sin Tong,
Turbo Codes for Asymmetric Binary Channels.
M.Sc. (Eng) Project, December 2003.
Yangfan Zhong,
On the Joint Source-Channel Reliability Function for
Memoryless Communication Systems.
M.Sc. (Eng) Project, November 2003.
Aaron So,
Wavelength Converter Placement in Survivable All-Optical
M.Sc. (Eng) Project, September 2003.
Andrew Gibson,
The H.264 Video Encoding Standard.
M.Sc. (Eng) Project, August 2002.
Hanmei Zhu,
Quantitative Analyses of Differentiated Services for the Internet.
M.Sc. Project, August 2002.
Jing Gai,
A Computational Study of the Bivariate Normal Probability
Function. M.Sc. (Eng) Project, January 2002.
Clifford Lui,
A Study of the JPEG-2000 Image Compression Standard.
M.Sc. (Eng) Project, May 2001.
Libo Zhong,
A Binary Channel with Additive Bursty Noise Based
on a Finite Queue.
M.Sc. Project, November 2000.
Guang-Chong Zhu,
Performance Evaluation of Turbo Codes.
M.Sc. Project, September 1998.
Ziad Rached,
Rényi's Entropy for Discrete Markov Sources.
M.Sc. Project, September 1998.
David Rolls,
An Investigation of Static and Dynamic Call Admission Control Methods By
Simulation. M.Sc. Project, September 1997.
Marcus Cleary,
Maximizing Profit in a Retrial Network
M.Sc. Project, March, 1997.
Additional Publications
See also: